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  4. How to back up MySQL databases

How to back up MySQL databases

MySQL is the most popular database software in the world. It's important to make sure you have a backup. Data loss can be caused by many reasons: hardware failure, software change, etc. You can always restore the entire database using a backup.

The syntax of exporting database with nysqldump command is. This shows us the following:

Access user name database;

Mysqldump may require you to enter a password;

Here's how to back up the database to an SQL file called name. Sq.

Recover database

Mainly! If you encounter problems, you can easily restore the database. Login start

MySQL - U user name - P

Then create a new database

Create database newdb;

Exit MySQL


After that, you can import the SQL file into the new database

MySQL - U user name - P newdb < name.sql

This completes the SQL file into the new database process!

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